Here are two videos as well.
Sorry for some reason this German Mac does not have the hyperlink button and for the life of me I can't remember the HTML code. So you will have to copy and paste.
Yesterday I had planned on going to Lucerne in central Switzerland. It is supposed to be one of the most beautiful cities in Switzerland. But when I awoke it was cloudy and raining. I didn't want to get there and not be able to see the mountains above. Last night I met some Canadiens and we decided to try to get into the Deftones concert. One of them and myself made it in. He got his ticket for 20CHF but mine was 30CHF. Face value was 55CHF. I probably shoudn't have done it but I thought a rock concert in Zurich would be interesting. Let's just say it wasn't no bluegrass show. The thing that upset me was the fact that they only played for 90 minutes and no encore. Now that is a joke. I guess Im just used to my 3 hour jam sessions. I am here in Basel until Sunday. Im not really sure what I am going to do because it has even less things to do then Zurich. If the weather is nice, which it is not today, then I am going to try to make it to Lucerne. That drawback is that it is double the price to get there now since I am further away. Here are some pictures of Zurich.
Oh I need to share a story. My friends Tadeja and Julie took me to the train station in Ljubljana on Saturday night. Well when we got there the train was delayed for an hour. So we decided to get some drinks in one of the train station's bars. The train decided to arrive before the one hour. Right when we got to the platform they blew the horn to take off. I got on the train while I was giving them both a hug as the train started to leave. It was a scene straight out of a movie. I don't know what I would have done if I missed it. Sorry I don't have more pictures. There just wasn't that much to take. This will probably be my last post until I arrive in Turkey. Unless I get out of Basel and to some surrounding areas.
HOW FAST was it going(train)? SWEET TOTALLY!
how did you get on?what was the best thing about Zurich?
sounds like the ride was liek a moooooooooooovie..sure wish we could have seen that//
be safe we love you
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