I find it funny that this building is in plain view of the main street. Is it to make everyone who are there to partake in Amsterdam's many vices feel better? I'd like to think so.
It's amazing how quickly you get used to something like going to 3 nights of music from 8 PM to 4 AM. I arrived in Slovenia last night. Boy was it an interesting journey from Amsterdam. Let me first fill you in on the days after my first post. OK let me think about it for a second....Sunday I went to the Anne Frank Huis. I hope everyone knows who she is. They have turned the house into a museum with all the rooms that they had to live in still intact. I can't imagine doing what they did to survive. But if I were in that position and it was between life and death I wouldn't hesitate.
I need to rant for a second because of that day. I don't want to start hating on anyone I am just annoyed with a certain group of people, Italians. Maybe it just so happened to be the ones that I came across in Amsterdam. I'd like to think so. Those ones were inconsiderate. At least three times while I was waiting in line to get something to eat, at the Anne Frank Huis, and the Bodies Exhibition, they would just start to budge in front of me. Like I couldn't tell that they were slowly getting in front of me. I would just look at them and they would look back at me like "How dare I" OK now that that is over. Sunday night was the first night of the festival. It was at the Melkweg which means Milkyway.
The MC was the guy who does Bender's voice from Futurerama. Its a cartoon but I'm not sure how many people have seen it. Yonder was on first. They blew me away. The energy in the room was electric. Dark Star was on after them. So the venue was set up that there were two concert halls. At most of the time there were two shows going on at once so you could walk back and forth to see whoever you liked more. Since I was there to see Yonder and Dark Star I saw all of their shows. Monday I was going to go to the Heineken Brewery but it was closed. Instead I went to the Bodies Exhibition. Wow! Here is the link for you to check out if you haven't heard of this. http://www.bodiestheexhibition.com/intro.html
It probably wasn't the best idea to go there after a night of massive beer drinking and especially after I just had lunch. I never felt sick but lets just say I didn't stay in there as long as most people did. The rest of the day I just walked around and soaked in the sites. That night was another awesome night of music. Oh also that night they had an autograph session with the bands. I felt like a dork because I didn't know what to say to everyone. Just the typical "Hows it going" I didn't want to be the star-crazed fan that would just say how much they loved them and all that. It was really cool to meet them though. Tuesday I got up and went to the Heineken Brewery. It was the typical brewery tour with lots of info and history. But I enjoy the history behind the beer.
That night was the last night of music. Yonder closed the show with an extended set. I would have to say that it was the best overall night of music. Everyone was on their A game and threw it down big time. Keller opened up followed by Galactic in the main hall. Dark Star was in the smaller hall with Yonder closing. I managed to see everyone which was good because I didn't see much of Keller or Galactic the two nights prior. I think I rolled into bed sometime around 4. Yesterday everyone had to be out of the hostel by 10:30 for their month end cleaning extravaganza. That was a good thing because if I hadn't I would have missed my flight for sure. Amsterdam to Brussels wasn't bad at all. I managed to get some sleep even though it was fairly crowded. The problem was when I got to Brussels. My airport was in another town about 45 minutes away. Well the first problem was I didn't have any cash. I don't know why I didn't get any before I left Amsterdam. The second problem was that I just purchased a ticket to the Brussels airport, not the one that I needed to go to which was more expensive since it was further away. Just as I was about to get on the wrong train my travel instincts hit me and I realized that it was in fact the wrong one and I had 2 minutes to get to the correct one. I knew that it was going to be more expensive but 90% percent of the time they never check train tickets. So I figured that this would be one of those. I was wrong. The ticket checker asked for my ticket and started rambling off all this French. I had no clue what he was saying. Well I figured what it was. Luckily there was a woman that could speak some English and translated it for me. She blamed the ticket counter in Brussels because she said he should have asked me which airport. That was a good thing. Since I didn't have any cash he tried to get my card to work. It took about 10 tries but they got it. When I finally got to Charleroi and I had to take a bus to the airport. Again I had no cash. The station didn't have an ATM AND my card wouldn't work on their machines. So I had to trek outside to find one. When I was walking out there was a group of kids probably my age. I believe it was about 4 guys and 1 girl. This one guy got in my face and talking, in what I think was Turkish. He was saying something about smoking. I said I didn't. Then he said do I speak English. I said yes. When I tried to walk by hit he moved over so I couldn't pass. Then he said do I like music. I had my head phones around my neck. At that time his friend grabbed him and pushed him aside so I could walk by. I think he was drunk. He looked like it anyway. I managed to find and ATM and make it back to the station to get on the shuttle. When I got to the airport I had about 25 minutes before the plane boarded. So now I am finally in Slovenia. I would have to say that yesterday was easily the most dramatic legs of my journey in my life. But I kept my cool and used my head. Last night I went to the movie, The Good Sheppard with my friend Julie. It was long but good. It was nice to just relax and chill out. Tadeja is working today. I think I am going to go outside for a walk at some point. I pretty much sat down for 12 hours yesterday. My legs were so stiff after the movie. Alright I am finally done with this. Sorry it was so long but I didn't want to type a few shorts ones. Until next time......
son..sound like you had a pretty scary moment there.have fun and STAY safe..keep in touch.
love you.
that one part with the group of people sounded freaky dude. i am glad you didn't get mugged. say hi to the slovenians for me. nice photos!
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