There is not much things I can say about Prague. We were only there for a night and a day. It was a dissapointment really. I was hoping for a little more. There were a few underlying factors that might have jaded my opinion. First I had been sick for 2 days prior. Today is the first day were I felt pretty good. But I feel a sort throat coming on so I bought some multi vitamin pills. If tomorrow is the same I will by some medicine. Second I was limping all day yesterday. I think I mildly pulled my left calf. Other than that the city was very dirty and there didn't seem like there was much to do besides get drunk. Since my stomach wasn't all there I couldn't drink any beer. None the less the architecture was great. Oh also the first night we stayed KC woke up to a couple having sex in our room. I heard them come in but I didn't hear anything else. Last night we mistakenly got a later train than we wanted so we were at the train station for 4 hours. Lets just say that if you want any drugs while in Prague go to the train station. I won't go into detail about the exacts but there was some shady things going down. Anyway I happen to take some nice pictures for everyone to enjoy. There would have to be a good reason for me to go back to Prague or maybe if it were free. I almost forget one of the coolest things there were all of these Ferraris. There must have been 15 of them.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
There is not much things I can say about Prague. We were only there for a night and a day. It was a dissapointment really. I was hoping for a little more. There were a few underlying factors that might have jaded my opinion. First I had been sick for 2 days prior. Today is the first day were I felt pretty good. But I feel a sort throat coming on so I bought some multi vitamin pills. If tomorrow is the same I will by some medicine. Second I was limping all day yesterday. I think I mildly pulled my left calf. Other than that the city was very dirty and there didn't seem like there was much to do besides get drunk. Since my stomach wasn't all there I couldn't drink any beer. None the less the architecture was great. Oh also the first night we stayed KC woke up to a couple having sex in our room. I heard them come in but I didn't hear anything else. Last night we mistakenly got a later train than we wanted so we were at the train station for 4 hours. Lets just say that if you want any drugs while in Prague go to the train station. I won't go into detail about the exacts but there was some shady things going down. Anyway I happen to take some nice pictures for everyone to enjoy. There would have to be a good reason for me to go back to Prague or maybe if it were free. I almost forget one of the coolest things there were all of these Ferraris. There must have been 15 of them.
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hey hippieineurope....didnt sound like a place you would want to go back anytime soon.pretty pics though,,funny about the couple..ha ha. KEEP safe..and was good to hear youe voice this a.m.//
love you..cant wait to hear allabout your tour when you get back to the USA
More great pictures! Too bad you are not feeling well. Can't wait for the next part of your trip.
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