Well I figured that I might as well pass the time before I hit the road again to post some blogs from time to time with my journeys across this great land. It has been a little of a year since I moved from the Bay Area. Time sure flies. I have been wanting to come back to visit some friends and ex co-workers before my father and I started building a new house in Jefferson. There was no better time than now. I arrived in San Francisco the 10 of August. My flight was delayed in leaving Denver because of a thunderstorm that rolled through. That caused my arrival time to be 45 minutes late. My old roommate and friend, KC was their to pick me up though. Its good to be back here. We have spent our time going to some old sites in the City and around the North Bay. The weather hasn't been as hot as I was hoping but at least there is no humidity like in Iowa. The highlights of the trip has been seeing one of my favorite bands, Hot Buttered Rum String Band, in Petaluma last Friday. For those that haven't heard of them, and I presume there are quite a few, they are a bluegrass band from the Bay Area. Some other highlights have been going to Stinson Beach, Point Reyes, and Bodega Bay. I love going out to those places and just relaxing especially if the wind is cooperating so I can play some frisbee. The only day that that happened was at Point Reyes. Most of my time here the last ten days have been hanging out and riding KC's bike around Novato. I was hoping to take the bus to various places but the transit system is only good for people leaving early in the morning and returning at night. But its been good to just relax with a good book, 1984 by Orson Welles, and enjoy the beautiful weather by the pool. I'm leaving Saturday. It will be good because I have spent way more cash than I was expecting and the house that my father and I are building is ready to be started. My next journey will be back to my second home, Ft. Collins, CO, in October to see my favorite band Widespread Panic. Below are pictures from my time here. Until next time......
Enjoying a hookah and moussakka at Kazaman on Haight in San Francisco
KC, Rosie, and me enjoying the day on a beach in Bodega
KC and I playing shuffle board at Raleigh's in Berkeley
Outside the 710 Ashbury St., SF where Jerry Garcia used to live
An iconic image of the Golden Gate Bridge shrouded in fog